
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Leading My First Tele-Conference

I am in several coaching groups online--one at the Co-Active Network where I'm in a niche group for spirituality and coaching. There had been several posts about having a call where we could all get together in a "sacred space" and share our intentions for ourselves and our clients. I had never led a tele-conference, so I offered to organize and lead the first call. What a treat! We started with a few moments of silently aligning our intentions for the call. I then led the group with a guided meditation inward putting us in touch with our higher selves before opening up the cal to a round table of sharing our intentions of what we'd like to see this group do: a monthly call was decided on where we will take turns organizing and leading along with sharing a tool we use with clients (meditations, techniques, etc..), supporting each other in being open with our spirituality when we are led to and to attract clients that are in alignment with this.

I've discovered that one of my strengths is in organizing and leading-something I have to watch when I'm coaching! (the leading part anyway).

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