
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Beep! Beep!

Tooting your own horn.  How comfortable is that for you?  Do you acknowledge your strengths, pat yourself on the back, and offer those strengths for the benefit of others?  I was challenged this week to brag about myself.

Ack!  I could literally feel my hands clawing at my neck in terror!  B.R.A.G.! Are you kidding me???  Didn't your mother tell you to never brag?!  Really, who am I to sing my own praises?  That's for others to do if they so deem me worthy...oh crud.  There it is, isn't it?

I thought I'd given up looking to others to validate me, taken back my own power & learned to stand in my own light.  *slap on the forehead here* OK, here goes - just the facts:

  • 5 years ago both my parents made their transitions as did my my marriage.
  • I was working full time as a third grade teacher,
  • Began a masters degree program for Reading Specialists,
  • Hired my first life coach, then a second,
  • Enrolled in a full coach training program
  • Started coaching clients,
  • Completed my masters degree,
  • Given a position as a Reading Specialist at my school,
  • Passed the Virginia State Reading Exam,
  • Finished my coaching classes,
  • Went to Hawaii to celebrate,
  • Lead a team for Divorce Support online at
  • Continued to take coaching courses from various sources,
  • Started several triads & diads to practice and record coaching sessions,
  • In the process, built my own website and blog,
  • Facebook pages for Stirring the Spirit Within & Stress-Free Teacher Zone,
  • Came out of the closet at work as a Life Coach,
  • Started my Inner Peace Warriors support group at school,
  • Presented my first two workshops at church (Hey, It's Spirit Calling-Can You Hear me Now? & Spirit Vision),
  • Hosted several teleclasses: Tools for Spiritual Coaching, One Minute Meditation, and (co-hosted) a short series on Breaking the Clutter Habit and Creating Your Inner/Outer Sanctuary.
  • All while reclaiming & remodeling many areas of my home.
  • Became certified by the International Association of Coaching!
I have been told by my clients that I am a force of calm & balance, supportive, client focused and validating, ask probing questions to help them see things in a new perspective or come to ah-ha moments..shift from a place of fear to hope...reach beyond what they thought was possible...find and implement answers to their own questions or goals...

Seriously, if you want to read more, you may go read my recommendations at

If you would like help with a loss of yourself, a loved one, relationship, who am I now that ___ has happened to my life? And you are ready to do the work to uncover your beautiful, happy, contented self--or to create the new life that is yours to live, I'd love to support & work with you on this!  Contact me today!

Thanks to a great coach, Flo Mauri, who gave me this challenge, and to all my fellow travelers, friends near & far, who have walked ahead of me & with me, encouraged & challenged me, sending your energy into the cosmos for me to incorporate into my own Golden Ball of Light floating into the flow and Loving what is!

Photo linked here

1 comment:

Rev. Denise S. Creech said...

This is really great. Thanks for sharing.